Written by Emily Roach
Raise your hand if you are in the thick of potty training. Not there yet? Lucky you. Today I'm sharing some of the latest gear and services available for parents in our area. Hopefully it will make the process a little easier. Plus we have an awesome giveaway for a lucky Parent Talk member!
I went to a hilarious event called "Potty Palozza" last month. It was hosted by Pinwheel Books to celebrate the launch of a new book by Kate Hayes, All About Poop
Jamie Grayson, the "Baby Guy" also attended the event and had us giggling as he showed us the latest gear on the market. I never knew there was so many potty choices. Magic Beans brought in a huge assortment of potties; some song sang songs, some ring bells and others are just down right cute. Did you know there is a "potty purse?" I actually think this would be awesome for the car, or for us down the beach next summer while we are (hopefully) starting potty training with toddler #2.
We also got to hear from Salina Gonzales Frazier, the owner of Diaper Lab in Cambridge. If you ever think about using cloth diapers, please head to her store. They carry over 50 different brands in the store. I'll bet you had no idea there was that many cloth diapers to choose from. We are a cloth diapering family and it made me happy to hear that children often perform better at potty training when they are not in disposables. The child feels the wetness and is more apt to ditch the diapers earlier. I really like Salina's approach to cloth diapering. She wants it to work for your family, not against it. (If anyone is interested in having Salina speak to a playgroup about cloth diapers, let me know!) She also advised using ATTITUDE Eco-Baby Laundry Detergent
It's giveaway time! A lucky member will get the Fisher Price Froggy Potty for their toddler to enjoy. Plus they will also get the Potty Time Sticker Chart to help track your child's progress. It's a an easy to use sticker chart that hangs over the bathroom door handle. You can get additional ones at CVS.
Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Winner must be a Parent Talk member. Contest is open until Jan 11th.
About the Author
Emily lives in Needham with her husband Jim and two children. After working in retail for 10 years, she decided to stay home with the kids and bake. Emily writes the blog Random Recycling, co-manages the Parent Talk Blog, and is a board member of the Needham Farmers Market. Disclosure: I attended a promotional event and also received a potty and sticker chart to help facilitate this review.