Monday, May 5, 2014

Do I have a Special Needs Child?

Written by Shalini Broderick

My biggest fear as a mother is that I might not be doing enough to help my son to reach his potential. But how is a parent to know if he or she is helping or hindering, particularly when one’s child is consistently doing different things than the other kids at playgroup, or preschool, or in class? And then, there is the nagging sense that we might let our kids fall behind, unless we do something – but what?

As parents, we know that all kids learn and achieve in different ways, and at their own paces. Yet, it is only natural for each of us to wonder if our little ones do not have particularized needs. The question that immediately follows that one is: “And what can I do to help him be his best?” Join us on Thursday, May 15th, at 7pm at Walker in Needham, for a frank and practical discussion of what constitutes special needs, when they apply, and what services may be available for our children.

Eric Pegnam, LICSW and Senior Clinician at Walker, will be presenting a talk that will cover some of the biggest questions that families have about Special Needs. Among the topics he will touch upon are the following: Determining what is normative and what is exceptional behavior in kids; the types of assessment and evaluation tools that are available; strategies to help children with daily routines, mealtimes, and other life skills; and an overview of types services available for kids, both privately and through public resources. For those with older children, of particular note might be the practical guide to working with your child’s teachers, understanding Individualized Education Plans (or IEPs), and managing homework and social situations with other children. Following his prepared remarks, there will be time for parent questions.

To register to attend, please click here. This lecture is free for all Parent Talk members.

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