Friday, August 10, 2018

Educational Fun For Your Kids During Rainy Weather

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Educational Fun for Your Kids During Rainy Weather

No matter the time of year, being stuck inside on the weekend or after school can be disheartening for kids. Thanks to the Internet, however, there are plenty of ways to have educational fun without relying on television or video games. If you’re running out of ideas on what to do with your kids during rainy days, here are some excellent ideas to consider.

Make Music

Even if you’ve never picked up an instrument in your life, you and your children can have fun by learning about and making music. If you are worried about not knowing how to teach them, don’t fear. There are plenty of websites out there that offer free lessons, specifically for kids. Of course, many require a specific instrument, so you’ll need to pick one out with your child. If that isn’t practical, you can play some musical games instead. Exposing your little ones to different kinds of music can be quite beneficial and even get them exploring new cultures. One study done by the Brain and Creativity Institute from the University of California suggests that music can speed brain development, so get the tunes going when you see gray skies on the horizon.

Have Fun Exercising

Exercising indoors can seem difficult, especially if you don’t have any indoor-safe equipment. However, thanks to video sites like YouTube, you can find fun, kid-friendly workouts that you can do in the comfort of your home. Make sure that whatever video you choose is age appropriate and has a warm-up and cooldown at the end. There are different forms of exercise you can explore, from yoga to dance to movement practice for toddlers. Most include music for your little one to enjoy, which helps to keep things fun at the same time.

Get Artistic

Kids of all ages love to draw. It’s fun and creative and can help stormy hours pass by. Did you know you can make it educational, too? You can find online tutorials for different things, including activities like teaching your little one how to create optical illusions or zentangles, abstract shapes used to create patterns or a scene. Art doesn’t stop with a box of crayons and paper, however. There are various crafts you can do with your children, using things you have around the house, to get them experimenting and expanding their creativity.

Tell a Tale

One way to pass the time together when it’s raining is to make up an impromptu story with your kids. If you’re unsure how to start, it’s easier than it seems. Pick a protagonist or main character. Come up with a backstory for this person with your little one. How old are they? Do they have a job? If they are a child, where do they live? Next, decide where this story is going to take place. Is it going to be a magical tale? Real life? In outer space? You’ll need something for your main character to be doing, so come up with a conflict or a surprise that they have to deal with. Do they need to raise money for a project? Are they trying to get home? Are they going on an adventure to explore the world or to find a missing friend or sibling? Once you have this figured out, take turns telling parts of the tale. You never know where it will lead.

Experiment with Science

There is nothing like a science experiment to get kids learning and laughing. It is never too early to stimulate a love of STEM in your child. If you don’t know how to begin, Earth Science Jr. has a bundle of free lesson plans to get your children learning about the world around them through experimentation. The great part about these experiments is that they only require what you have around the home, so you don’t need any special preparations to get started.

Being trapped inside can trick us into thinking our only options for entertainment are TV or video games. However, you don’t need to sacrifice education for fun due to rain or a storm. With a little preparation and some teamwork, you and your children can have an enjoyable time learning something new!

About the Author:
Jenny Wise homeschools her four awesome children. As any homeschooling parent knows, every day is an adventure, and Jenny has begun chronicling her experiences at She hopes to use the site to connect with other homeschoolers and to provide helpful advice to parents who may be considering a home education for their kids.

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